Wash Away the Water from Your Wet Bathing Suit Quicker than Ever!
Every year new products emerge into the market promising to deliver some miracle. It is about time that one products has arrived to deliver, right in time for summer. That’s right, the Suitmate swimsuit extractor does the unheard of by drying those wet bathing suits fast. How? Super duper easily. It spins like a tornado until the water extracts from your swimsuit.
There have been other concepts out there, but one have perfected the science like Suitmate. This unit arrives with the force to make an impact. Simply remove your bathing suit, please keep a towel on in the locker room, and put it in the Suitmate. You follow the instructions and stand back as the unit spins your wet bathing suit at extreme speeds. As your swimsuit spins, the water is extracted by the force and drains out of the unit away from your bottoms. Once the unit is done, you become entranced by the shock and surprise of how dry your clothing has become.
Summer Nights
The heat is hitting just right and the pandemic is coming to a close for those who are vaccinated. Now is the time to throw yourself back into the world. Join the gym or go to the community pool and get your swim on! You need to pack up a dry bathing suit after using the pool? Great, because the Suitmate has arrived to solve that problem. Furthermore, even if you have another issue such as a spilled summer water, well bam! Throw your outfit in the suitmate and get it dry. Of course don’t be naked in public places while you wait. Have a friend dry the outfit, either way, the Suitmate is here to deliver a dry summer.
Make sure your facility is ready for a dry summer with a Suitmate. These water extractors are ideal for swimsuits when using a pool facility. Other companies like water parks and fitness centers have been jumping on the bandwagon. Join the party with the Suitmate swimsuit extractor!