Tired of making awkward eye contact through those pesky toilet stall gaps?
It happens everyday, you try to sneak away to the restroom to do your business in a private atmosphere. Unfortunately, here in America, our restroom partitions are designed with toilet stall gaps. Are the gaps big? No, but they are big enough to catch awkward eye contact when someone tries to barge in. It’s not fun to be disturbed when using a restroom, so what can companies do about fixing this? Before we discuss that, first let’s understand the reasons these gaps exist to begin with.
Toilet partitions are designed to leave the bottom area exposed, this will never change here in America. The main reason is to show when someone is using the stall. Does it always work though? Absolutely not. When you have a narrow restroom or a bathroom with lots of stalls, it is almost impossible to see if someone is in there at a quick glance. Instead, you end up with someone trying to push your occupied stall door open multiple times until you clear your throat or say something. We are all familiar with the awkward throat clear, right? You hear someone walk into the bathroom and you already know they don’t realize you are in the stall. So you clear your throat, then that person still somehow tries to enter your toilet stall. So uncomfortable.
Okay, so we know that having the bottom open doesn’t always keep people out. What other reasons are there for this bottom gap? Well, having the bottom area open like this allows cleaning people to have an easier time to mop up floors and clean up messes. This part makes sense, even if it costs your bare legs and shoes some privacy. Custodians are an important part of a functioning restroom. They are there to replace soap, paper towels, maintain hand dryers, clean and sanitize fixtures and doors. So, leaving space for custodians and maintenance crews makes them happy.
These openings also allow for air circulation in the restroom. With all the cleaning products, this may not seem like a big one, but it is. After mopping the floors, having this extra space to let things air out, means they dry faster. With the chemicals used to clean and sanitize, this is a good function to ensure things dry quickly and nasty smells air out.
Toilet Partitions and Safety
Before we discuss the solutions to removing gaps in toilet partitions, let’s quickly discuss safety. Having gaps and open spaces in a toilet stall allow for quick access if someone happens to collapse in the restroom. There are over 40,000 toilet-related injuries in the U.S. each year according to Wiki Answers. With all the hard surfaces in a toilet stall, it makes sense to be able to see if someone gets hurt. If something happened and you call 911, EMS can quickly find and save that person.
Lastly, having toilet partition gaps may deter someone from doing illegal activities. I’m going to let your mind figure out some of those “activities”. Let’s move on.
The Real Reason…
What’s the main reason toilet stalls have so many gaps? Cost. Yup, welcome to America. You get to have those awkward eye-to-eye moments in a toilet stall because it is cheaper to buy them that way. So every inch of material used in manufacturing a toilet partition panel costs money. Therefore, keeping small gaps allow for cost savings. I know it sounds frustrating to hear, but materials and installation are expensive.
Is There A Solution for Toilet Stall Gaps?
Sure. Some companies are selling quick fix items that can block the view. There aren’t many though.
Are you a business owner or in charge of your facility? If so, then you may ask “how can I block the toilet stall gaps in my restroom”? Well, let’s say you have a bathroom remodel coming up. Then good news, Hadrian toilet partitions are offered with Elite and Elite Plus stalls. The Elite series automatically COME WITH gap channels to eradicate those awkward eye-to-eye moments.
Price Difference?
Not much. So if you know your employer is going to be updating their restroom, then definitely get them to consider the Elite Series toilet partitions from Hadrian. They seal up those gaps between the stall doors and panels. You can also choose taller stall panels. This means that the gaps are gone, and the stalls are taller to provide more privacy. It’s a win-win. So let’s recap:
- No More Gaps!
- Taller Panels = More Privacy
- And what was the last thing? Oh right, they are affordable!
How affordable? VERY! Yes, buying a standard toilet partition will be cheaper than the Elite series. But for a slightly higher price, you get all these things to provide your staff and customers more privacy.
Guess who else gets more privacy beside the staff and customers? YOU DO! Whoever you are, why live in a world where you get stuck making awkward eye contact when you poop in public? Enough of our lives are on display these days. Add some privacy to your restroom with the best products at the best prices. And how do you do that? Simple, you come to Newton Distributing Company where we offer all the materials, privacy options, colors, and mounting types for toilet partitions. We are people serving people. Call us and see for yourself.
Newton offers the Elite toilet partitions series which remove open gaps! The Elite series also provides taller panels meaning no weird eye contact. Eliminate toilet stall gaps with your next restroom remodel.